Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Freddie Mac gets the knife

Shares of Freddie Mac(FRE) hit the skids this morning. Fitch Ratings is has put the rating on their preferred stock on negative watch. This is not a downgrade. not yet at least. Fannie Mae(FNM) also got a haircut. Defaults are rising at both outfits. They are government sponsored-enterprises(GSEs). That doesn't mean that they are government-owned, but it does give them access to great interest rates and the perception that the government won't let him fail. I think that Uncle Sam will live up to this perception. At some point, another bailout is coming. These are the last bastions of liquidity in the housing market so everyone has a stake in them being healthy companies. I'm adding both these stocks to my watchlist. If they get under $20, then I'll pull the trigger.

Freddie Mac Conference Call

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